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Why Ignoring Hispanics Is a Risky Business Move in the Age of Diversity

In today’s socially conscious world, diversity is not just a buzzword—it’s a necessity. Corporations that overlook inclusivity in their marketing strategies risk damaging their reputations...

Want a stellar marketing campaign? You need a great ‘creative brief.’

Article originally published in Orlando Business Journal. In the realms of advertising, marketing and design, the creative brief is an indispensable document that lays the groundwork...

Why brands shouldn’t be afraid advertise to multicultural consumers during the Trump administration

Article originally published in Orlando Business Journal. Recently, I had the opportunity to attend a business breakfast with a leader from a prominent national nonprofit organization....

3 Marketing Tips To Regain Your Momentum

Article originally published in Entrepreneur. While some industries have benefited from being nimble amid the pandemic, others are still struggling to generate sales. In the corporate...