
6 Reasons Corporate America Misses Out On Trillions of Hispanic Dollars

America is changing and becoming more multicultural. A big part of that has been due to the Hispanic market. They are not just a sub-segment of our economy anymore. They have become a powerhouse of economic and political influence. Their purchasing power of over $1.5 trillion is larger than the GDP of México, which is […]

4 messages designed to drive sales to your company’s door

If you’re not marketing to Hispanics, your business may be missing out. According to the latest census report, the Hispanic population in America is expected to increase by 119 million by 2060. In contrast, the non-Hispanic white population is expected to decrease by 182 million. It also is estimated that by 2026, most people ages […]

Reaching Hispanic consumers: 4 ways to get your company on track

This article was published in the Orlando Business Journal Most of corporate America feels the Hispanic market is not a top priority or a profitable consumer, even though national statistics and research show the exact opposite. This is due to a misperception of the market and a lack of understanding about this growing and influential […]

Mobile ad technology: 4 powerful takeaways for businesses on the Hispanic market

This article was published in the Orlando Business Journal Technology has fundamentally changed the consumer experience and the marketing rulebook. According to the Nielsen report, 60 percent of U.S. Hispanics were born or grew on the Internet era vs. 40 percent of non-Hispanics. U.S. Hispanics over-index by 9 percent for smartphone ownership and 99 percent […]

4 Successful Ways Businesses Need to Adapt to a Growing Hispanic Demographic

This article was published in Entrepreneur Magazine According to Geoscape, by 2020, over 50.6 percent of the U.S. population growth will be attributed to the Hispanic market. Small and large corporations alike will be affected by this demographic shift, now and well into the future. Multicultural consumers are driving the growth of the U.S. economy, […]

3 Strategic Pillars to Build Loyalty With a Hispanic Audience

This article was published in Entrepreneur Magazine The United States is changing as a nation. Youthful diversity is becoming the counterweight of white aging consumers. This demographic and cultural shift is challenging brands in every way — from how to interact with these new consumers to efficiency and marketing. The one-size fits all approach is […]

6 Reasons Corporate America Misses Out on Trillions of Hispanic Dollars

How businesses can target one of the fastest-growing markets in America. This article was published in Entrepreneur Magazine America is changing and becoming more multicultural. A big part of that has been due to the Hispanic market. They are not just a sub-segment of our economy anymore. They have become a powerhouse of economic and […]

5 Ways to improve ROI with Hispanics

Many companies are trying to reach out to the Hispanic market as a venue to grow their business. But they haven’t been successful. At a recent national conference, a marketing executive shared with me that his company has been very proactive in the community but they haven’t seen a substantial ROI yet. I asked him […]